26 December 2010

Decisions Are NOT My Strong Suit

I've decided to play both Horde and Alliance. I wanted to play both of the new races and so I am. It's not easy leveling two toons at once but I'm making it work, thus far. They're only lvls 26 and 24 so I'm still in the easy part of the game. Later on I may need to choose one to finish leveling and then go back to the other. I've made a Worgen Rogue and Goblin Mage. I like them both a lot but find playing the rogue is a bit easier, since I'm very used to the Alliance zones. The quests on my mage are wicked funny and it's a better storyline than Alliance. However, Horde cities suck ass! I can't find anything in any of the cities. WTF! My son has proven a good guide and he's been able to show me where things are but I hate that I run around for 20 minutes trying to figure out how to get from where I am to where the book is on my map!

All-in-all, playing again has been a lot of fun :o)

09 December 2010


Cataclysm came out earlier this week and I've decided to start playing again. I just have the very tough decision to make of which server to play on. Zach is on Lightninghoof with the Realmsies... pvp server and they're playing horde. Gray is on Bleeding Hollow with his brothers... pvp server and they're playing alliance. A friend is playing alliance on a pve server. Now, generally speaking, I think I would enjoy a pve server this time around. I tried a pvp server and the pvp you get over a pve server just isn't all that fun. I would also like to take my time and enjoy the story in leveling my next toon. I did that with my first but have blazed through levels with all my others since. The story has apparently changed a lot so I'm ready to take my time with it again.

So, who to play with, if anyone?

02 December 2010

I love Alcohol Inks!

I know I don't talk much about them but I really love Alcohol Inks. I love them because they are so versatile. I may not use them as much as my distress inks but I do use them a lot. Usually in little ways; and once in a big way!

Last spring, my son was prepping for Anime Boston. He had a blue wig for his Saix costume but it wasn't quite the right shade of blue.

The solution? To purchase a blonde wig and dye it with alcohol inks. Now, getting a couple of tiny bottles of ink to last for a whole wig wasn't easy and I'll be doing some things a bit different next time. We mixed equal parts alcohol ink and 70% isopropyl alcohol (the cheap stuff from the drug store). Then sprayed it on the wig in spits and spurts, massaging it around every few minutes. Here it is while still wet.

 And here's a close-up!

It's still not quite the right shade but it looks great. I love the various shades of blue throughout the hair. I told the shop where he buys his wigs about Alcohol inks but they haven't started selling them, yet :o)