03 February 2010

Loving my Glaze pens

I've picked up these pens several dozen times and always chose to wait to buy them.. until last week. I love love love them! I love how I can layer them and they don't get all muddy and I love the shine! They're nearly magical (can you tell by all the !!!).

Here's my latest creation using them (Please forgive the really bad image, I'm growing impatient with winter and taking all my pics indoors at night).

This is my second art journal page for A Year in the Life of an Art Journal. The prompt is "Hope". I hear a lot of people use hope in a positive manner but to me, it's the easy way out for those who lack conviction. "The expectation of fulfillment or success." I don't like expectation. I like action. If you would like to see something fulfilled, then go out and fulfill it!

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