08 February 2009

I'm a Maniac!!

Of the scrapping sort that is. While I've been slacking in my blogging I've been catching up on scrapbooking. Here are some of latest. I have 3 more I finished at a crop yesterday but I don't have photos of those yet. I'll try to get those up later this week :o)

First is a layout of my son when he was 18 mo. old. This is one of my favorite pictures of him and it's not even a very good photo. I just love how the sun caught his face and he's smiling so sweetly :o)

This is a layout of my daughter last summer. She was having a water-gun fight with my son and some neighborhood kids. When she saw me with the camera, she stopped to pose for me :o)

This is a layout of my love :o) I started this as a just because I don't scrap him enough sort of layout. I have used this photo before but it's my favorite recent photo of him so I just can't help myself!

This is a layout of some London architecture. I was playing around with B&W and color photos and this is what I came up with. Because all the photos were very vertically tall, I wanted to keep the pics tall and thin. I'm not sure I'm done with this one so if you have any suggestions, please let me know!

I made Hats of Character to show off the variety of hats my son loves. He has collected them for years and the more unique the better. This is just a sampling :o)

The Desires layout was made for a Cosmo Cricket challenge to post goals for the coming year. So, I captured a few of my desires here :o)

I love love love this photo of Gwendolyn. We had been playing in the yard and she flopped to the ground just in time for this photo.

That's it for now :o) Thanks for looking!

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