Ok, so the election was last night and woo-hoo Obama is the president-elect :) Too bad not all of the items being voted on went the way I had hoped.
This morning at work everyone was talking about the variety of hot topics being voted on. Here in Mass the one we discussed was the decriminalization of marijuana. There were mixed feelings but it is no longer a criminal offense if you are caught possessing 1 oz. or less of marijuana. It is still a crime but it will no longer effect your ability to gain employment or go on a field trip with your children down the road, 10 years after you smoked your last joint. Some people commented that they voted no. I asked why they care? Alcohol is more dangerous and that's legal. It's still a crime to possess and use.. just not a criminal offense.
Then at lunch a co-worker noted that California (and a few other states) have banned same-sex marriage. Again, I asked, why do people care? What do so many people have against a gay couple pledging their ever-lasting love to each other? How does it affect your life? Don't start spewing crap about how it says so in the bible. News flash! Not everyone believes in the same religion as you. I don't come by your house and force my beliefs upon you so shut up and stop trying to force your beliefs on others. What happened to separation of religion and state? People banning happiness for outstanding members of society simply because they love someone of the same sex is sickening. Did you know most of the world legalized same-sex marriage years ago? Get over your miserable selves and let deserving people be happy!
It's almost as bad as those who would try to tell women whether they should be allowed to abort an unwanted pregnancy. No one is making
you abort anything. WHY DO YOU CARE? It doesn't affect your life yet you would fight for a law that affects other's lives. Some pregnancies are life-threatening for the mother. Who are you to decide she and her unborn child should die because of your beliefs?
This is a sad, sad day to see the country take such a huge step backward on the heels of celebrating such a huge step forward.