07 November 2008

I Am Green With Envy

One of the challenges I'm in said blog about your scrap space. I don't have one *cry*

I look at pictures of people's scrap spaces and I am jealous. I have no dedicated space in my matchbox apartment. I annoy my family with scrapping bits left here and there throughout the house. And every time I want to scrap I have to take over the living room floor. I used to have a scrap space and it wasn't the greatest and it was in my bedroom but it was mine. I could leave a half-finished layout and come back to it 3 days later if I wanted to. My computer was on the same table so I could print whatever I needed for my layout. When I got tired, I could roll into bed. Saturday mornings? I could roll into my computer chair and get started.

When Gray moved in I gave up my space so we could fit a queen-sized bed in our room (you thought I was joking when I said matchbox?) Someday, I will once again have a space to call my own. I won't have to take out only 3 scrapping items at a time. I will spread out and no one will be able to say anything about it. If I want to leave an entire alphabet of painted chipboard out to dry...at the same time...I will! I have my whole new space planned out for the day we have the room in our home. Until then, I will stay Green with Envy :o)

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