03 January 2011

Thank you Bernice!

I got out of work late, not getting home until 6:30, and I was exhausted. On the way home, Gray told me a package had arrived for me. It was the Dylusions paints and sprays that I ordered a while ago! I totally forgot about them and let me tell you... they are delish! Vanilla custard, mmmmm.

I've been home for 25 minutes and can't stop playing. I have done up a quick page just playing with everything and effervescent came to mind. And with effervescent come thoughts of my son. He is truly a magical person.

My photography skills, or lack thereof, do not do these colors justice! The background is sprayed with a bit of Hot Pink and Post Box Red and a lot of Vanilla Custard. Then I used a random used up gift card to scrape the teal and pink paints all over. Highlighted the droplets of spray with silver, found a photo of my son swimming last summer and made him a little hat. I love being so inspired by a few paints and sprays :o)

Dyan's fun products just made my Monday and that's hard to do!

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